Pressto’s Button piggybacks free cellular data to revolutionize the Internet...
If your IoT device only needs 182 characters of communication at a time, the Pressto button can connect from anywhere in the world, for free -- no carrier contract needed. The post Pressto’s Button...
View ArticleThe Klipsch Forte is back, and badder than ever
Sometimes lightning not only strikes twice, it strikes three times. At least that's the hope for the Klipsch Forte III, the third and latest incarnation of Klipsch's most popular speaker. The post The...
View ArticleRogers Smart Drive review
If only your car could talk. With Rogers Smart Drive, it can, with real-time info on how and where it’s being used. It can increase any car’s IQ … for a price. The post Rogers Smart Drive review...
View ArticlePropel Star Wars Battle Drones review
Love Star Wars? Love video games? Love drones? Then you’re going to love the Propel Star Wars Battle Drones. With details usually found only on collectibles, these Star Wars ships fly and dogfight with...
View ArticlePlex for Android Auto lets you keep your eyes on the road
Drivers who want access to their Plex media library while behind the wheel now have a much safer option with Plex for Android Auto. The new service provides a way to access media via voice. The post...
View Article‘Skip these commercials!’ The Bolt Vox is the first TiVo you can talk to
TiVo is listening to its customers -- literally -- with the addition of voice commands for search and playback function on its new line of Bolt 4K set-top boxes, including the 4K-capable TiVo Bolt Vox...
View ArticleKlipsch reference speakers make home theaters look as good as they sound
Klipsch packaged the best of its reference speaker audio technology into an all-in-one 5.1 surround home theater speaker system, including a wireless-capable subwoofer, for under $1,000. The post...
View ArticleThe Sennheiser Ambeo smart headset records the world the way you hear it
Can earphones sound great and record lifelike audio? Yes, if it's a pair of Sennheiser Ambeo smart headset earbuds. These iPhone-only earbuds use binaural tech to capture immersive 3D sound that plays...
View ArticleYouTube TV gets the big-screen treatment with new native apps for Xbox One
Like the idea of cord-cutting with YouTube TV, but find it awkward to watch on your actual TV? Good news: YouTube is rolling out a slew of native apps for leading TV platforms like Xbox One, Android...
View ArticleWireless Tivoli Audio Model subwoofer has the looks to match its sound
A wireless subwoofer, the new Tivoli Audio Model Sub is an eye-catching addition to Tivoli's ART system, substantially improving the frequency range of the tabletop radio, and making it a contender in...
View ArticleAwair Glow review
With a smart power outlet, motion sensor, built-in nightlight, and IFTTT connectivity, our Awair Glow review shows its more than an air quality monitor. It senses heat, humidity, CO2, and VOCs, at a...
View ArticleBluewave Get Hi-Fi Wireless Headphone Amp review
Headphone jacks are going the way of the dinosaurs, but that doesn’t mean you need to throw out your wired headphones. Our Bluewave Get review shows how a tiny BT receiver can breathe new life into...
View ArticleAfter an agonizing wait, Apple TV 4K finally supports Amazon Prime Video
The wait is finally over: The Amazon Prime Video app is now available on Apple TV 4K in over 100 countries, finally putting to bed peristent rumors that the release was imminent. But there a few...
View ArticleKlipsch’s new reference speakers raise the home theater bar, again
Klipsch ups the reference speaker ante again, with the new floor-standing RF-7 III, and RC-64 III center channel speakers. They're big, bold, and beautiful -- and come with prices to match. The post...
View ArticleVibes Audio Vibrox review
Why carry an extra portable Bluetooth speaker when you can just snap one to the back of your phone? Read about the pros and cons of its flat-out cool design in our Vibes Audio Vibrox review. The post...
View ArticleThe Plex Winamp-inspired music player is a modern take on a desktop classic
Just when you thought desktop music clients were consigned to the development trash heap, here comes Plexamp for the Plex Media Server -- a music app that might just get you excited about listening on...
View ArticleAsus joins the Alexa smart speaker party with Lyra Voice
Every smart speaker plays music and lets you speak to Alexa, so Asus decided to up the ante by adding an AC2200 tri-band mesh Wi-Fi node to its Lyra Voice -- its first smart home stereo speaker. The...
View ArticleCortana gets an unexpected roommate on Windows 10 PCs: Alexa
If you like Cortana, but kinda wish she could control more smart home devices, why not install Alexa instead? Reports suggest that's what HP, Acer, and Asus all plan to do with select Windows 10...
View ArticleIt’s not flashy, but Magnavox’s 3-in-1 bundle makes it easy to get your 4K on
It doesn't get much easier than Magnavox's 3-in-1 4K system, which bundles a 4K TV, a UHD Blu-ray player, and a 2.0 soundbar, complete with color-coded cables. It won't impress your friends, but your...
View ArticleCleer’s 360 Space Smart Home Speaker gives Alexa a bigger, or quieter, voice
Alexa is great, but could she be even better if she could listen more accurately, and respond more intimately? Cleer Audio is betting yes, and hopes its Space 360-degree smart speaker is all the proof...
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